Understanding changes & uncertainties

In a world that is changing quickly and its circumstances ever more unpredictable, organizational leaders may find it even harder to figure out how to best work with these circumstances. In this LAB, we will explore the foundational concepts to help us prepare for these changing and uncertain challenges. We'll explore our own relationship with changes & uncertainties and learn to reframe them. Gradually, start to redefine our relationships with changes & uncertainties from flux to flow.

What will you learn?

kicking-off. 1h webinar
Resilience amidst changes & uncertainties
First LAB. 3h live event
Understanding changes & uncertainties
  • What are changes & uncertainties, and why should we care
  • What is reliance
  • Reflection on the changes & uncertainties everyone is facing at work right now
  • Understanding your personal reaction to changes & uncertainties
  • Reframing reaction into response
Takeaway from the session:
  • Understand the concepts of changes, uncertainties, and resilience
  • Explore and develop a deeper understanding of your relationship with the unknown, and your conditioned reaction
  • Concrete practice to shift your reaction into response
Second LAB.  2,5h live event
Understanding complexities
  • Understanding the external circumstances according to what is within your control, what you can influence, what is outside of your control
  • Understand what challenging blockers might be interfering you from working with a challenging situation
Takeaway from the session:
  • How to use the "in-control, influence, out-of-control diagram"
  • Explore and make-concrete personal values
Third LAB. 2,5h live event
Imposter syndrome & negative self-talk
  • Explore self talk when anticipating, facing, and after changes
  • Explore what these self talk are trying to communicate
  • Practice methods of reframing
Takeaway from the session:
  • Becoming more familiar and unafraid of negative self-talk
  • Practices of self-compassion
  • Practices of reframing negative self talk
Workshop Session. 2,5h live event
Shifting flux into flow
  • After exploring changes, uncertainties, our relationship with them, as well as various practical methods of working with them, it's time to reexamine our overall relationship with these topics. Instead of simply dealing with what is changing, how might we enable ourselves to change our attitude into a playful one? In this workshop we'll explore what might happen if we start to see changes & uncertainties as opportunities, and shift our relationship with changes from flux to flow.
  • Recap learning
Post-course support. 1 month asynchronous
Apply your learnings
  • Learn and discuss with your peer group
  • Tap to a larger community
  • Ask for feedback to the mentor

Cultivating Resilience amidst Changes & Uncertainties

In a world that is changing quickly and its circumstances ever more unpredictable, organisational leaders may find it ever harder to figure out how to best work with these circumstances. In this LAB, we will explore the foundational concepts to help us prepare for these changing and uncertain challenges. We'll explore our own relationship with changes & uncertainties, and learn to reframe them. Gradually, start to redefine our relationships with changes & uncertainties from flux to flow.


What will you learn?

kicking-off. 1h webinar
Resilience amidst changes & uncertainties
First LAB. 3h live event
Understanding changes & uncertainties
  • What are changes & uncertainties, and why should we care
  • What is reliance
  • Reflection on the changes & uncertainties everyone is facing at work right now
  • Understanding your personal reaction to changes & uncertainties
  • Reframing reaction into response
Takeaway from the session:
  • Understand the concepts of changes, uncertainties, and resilience
  • Explore and develop a deeper understanding of your relationship with the unknown, and your conditioned reaction
  • Concrete practice to shift your reaction into response
Second LAB.  2,5h live event
Understanding complexities
  • Understanding the external circumstances according to what is within your control, what you can influence, what is outside of your control
  • Understand what challenging blockers might be interfering you from working with a challenging situation
Takeaway from the session:
  • How to use the "in-control, influence, out-of-control diagram"
  • Explore and make-concrete personal values
Third LAB. 2,5h live event
Imposter syndrome & negative self-talk
  • Explore self talk when anticipating, facing, and after changes
  • Explore what these self talk are trying to communicate
  • Practice methods of reframing
Takeaway from the session:
  • Becoming more familiar and unafraid of negative self-talk
  • Practices of self-compassion
  • Practices of reframing negative self talk
Workshop Session. 2,5h live event
Shifting flux into flow
  • After exploring changes, uncertainties, our relationship with them, as well as various practical methods of working with them, it's time to reexamine our overall relationship with these topics. Instead of simply dealing with what is changing, how might we enable ourselves to change our attitude into a playful one? In this workshop we'll explore what might happen if we start to see changes & uncertainties as opportunities, and shift our relationship with changes from flux to flow.
  • Recap learning
Post-course support. 1 month asynchronous
Apply your learnings
  • Learn and discuss with your peer group
  • Tap to a larger community
  • Ask for feedback to the mentor

Meet the Mentor 

Lin Zhen
Cassie has a passion for exploring the topics of change and uncertainty. She's intrigued by their ephemeral, complex, and opaque nature, as well as the clarity they can provide. As a designer and design manager who worked across five different industries on two different continents, she came to understand the complexities of an organization, shifting priorities, and changing directions, all against the backdrop of uncertainties in organizational and personal needs, desires, and fears. After quitting her objectively good corporate job in 2023, Cassie intentionally spent a year sitting with the unknown. This involved grappling with the loss of her professional identity, fear of losing material comforts, and the anxiety of not achieving enough. Over time, she found her conditioned fears gradually dissipating until she became comfortable, to some degree, with the inherent emptiness. Rather than being terrifying, this emptiness began to feel like infinite potential, an opportunity to start anew over and over again. It offered clearer insight into who she is and what she needs to do. Now, Cassie dedicates her time to assist others in navigating their unique journeys through various changes, whether large or small. This could include finding a job after being laid off or contemplating career directions. As we grow more comfortable with change and uncertainty, our relationship with life evolves. Fear gradually transitions into curiosity, and constriction slowly morphs into flow.


Meet the Mentor 


Lin Zhen
Cassie has a passion for exploring the topics of change and uncertainty. She's intrigued by their ephemeral, complex, and opaque nature, as well as the clarity they can provide. As a designer and design manager who worked across five different industries on two different continents, she came to understand the complexities of an organization, shifting priorities, and changing directions, all against the backdrop of uncertainties in organizational and personal needs, desires, and fears. After quitting her objectively good corporate job in 2023, Cassie intentionally spent a year sitting with the unknown. This involved grappling with the loss of her professional identity, fear of losing material comforts, and the anxiety of not achieving enough. Over time, she found her conditioned fears gradually dissipating until she became comfortable, to some degree, with the inherent emptiness. Rather than being terrifying, this emptiness began to feel like infinite potential, an opportunity to start anew over and over again. It offered clearer insight into who she is and what she needs to do. Now, Cassie dedicates her time to assist others in navigating their unique journeys through various changes, whether large or small. This could include finding a job after being laid off or contemplating career directions. As we grow more comfortable with change and uncertainty, our relationship with life evolves. Fear gradually transitions into curiosity, and constriction slowly morphs into flow.


Wall of Love

See what the community is saying about the Mentor. Share the love!


Hey Lin, your workshop at Leadership Ateliers gave me a totally different perspective on how to handle difficult situations. Very effective and insightful! Thank you so much!

Florian Jörgensen

UX design lead

Are you currently going through changes at work? Lin Cassie Zhen reminded me of the importance of mindfulness and humanity in leadership. Her grounding techniques and mindfulness podcast are great resources for anyone navigating changes. I highly recommend giving her podcast "Being Awareness" a listen. Thank you for the revelations and for the connection, Cassie.

Nat Di Pasquale
Senior Product Designer

Cassie has been an incredible coach, blending thoughtful leadership with a unique way of thinking that has helped me reframe my thoughts and improve my decision-making. Her holistic approach seamlessly integrates running, stretching, and breathing exercises, enhancing both my physical and mental well-being.

Cassie leads with listening and empathy, tailoring her guidance to my individual needs. Her compassionate and insightful coaching has made a profound impact on my life. I highly recommend Cassie to anyone seeking a coach who combines leadership with a personal touch.

Daniele Ronca
Product Leader

Why join a LAB?

Tailored Experience
Join a focused cohort of 15 peers to deeply explore one topic across four structured Labs, culminating in post-course feedback to apply your learnings. Experience a tailored blend of theory, real-life case studies, and practical exercises designed to address your specific challenges and situations as a product manager.
Selected Peers
We have specifically designed a Lab for Product Managers with at least two years of previous product management experience who are eager to advance their product careers, expand their networks, and master the most essential yet challenging skills in modern product management.
Experienced Mentor
We choose mentors based on a proven track record, primarily passionate Product Leaders dedicated to building exceptional products, with at least 10+ years of experience in top companies.
Community-led Learning in hybrid mode
Develop a robust and reliable local network among peers who are at similar career stages and encountering comparable challenges within your cohort. This network will serve as a valuable resource for ongoing support, both within our online and offline communities and events.
We provide ongoing benefits such as access to a strong professional network, opportunities for mentorship and collaboration, exclusive events and resources, and a sense of belonging to a community of like-minded PMs.  This status also enhances credibility and opens doors to new opportunities throughout one's career.

Why join a LAB?

Tailored Experience
Join a focused cohort of 15 peers to deeply explore one topic across four structured Labs, culminating in post-course feedback to apply your learnings. Experience a tailored blend of theory, real-life case studies, and practical exercises designed to address your specific challenges and situations as a product manager.
Selected Peers
We have specifically designed a Lab for Product Managers with at least two years of previous product management experience who are eager to advance their product careers, expand their networks, and master the most essential yet challenging skills in modern product management.
Experienced Mentor
We choose mentors based on a proven track record, primarily passionate Product Leaders dedicated to building exceptional products, with at least 10+ years of experience in top companies.
Community-led Learning in hybrid mode
Develop a robust and reliable local network among peers who are at similar career stages and encountering comparable challenges within your cohort. This network will serve as a valuable resource for ongoing support, both within our online and offline communities and events.
We provide ongoing benefits such as access to a strong professional network, opportunities for mentorship and collaboration, exclusive events and resources, and a sense of belonging to a community of like-minded PMs.  This status also enhances credibility and opens doors to new opportunities throughout one's career.

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