
Discovering needs and desires must be validated before building solutions. We prioritize ideas without understanding their impact. To succeed, adopt a "learn and confirm" mindset through hypothesis testing. Sort ideas strategically by risk, extract assumptions, form clear hypotheses, run experiments, and make informed decisions for confident outcomes in product development.

What will you learn?

First LAB. 3h in-person.
Hottest solutions and riskiest assumptions
  • Identify the idea in your ideas collection that has the biggest impact potential and risk
  • Extract hidden assumptions behind that idea which will need to be evaluated
Takeaway from the session:
  • Learn how to identify big levers
  • Practice assumption extraction
Second LAB.  2,5h live event
Assumption Mapping
  • Map extracted assumptions to an Assumptions Map
  • Identify riskiest assumptions
Takeaway from the session:
  • Think in risks and confidence
  • Learn Assumption Mapping as a simple way of focusing on the riskiest bits of your ideas
  • Assumption Mapping is a popular method in Business Model Innovation and Business Idea Testing (see Strategyzer's work) that we'll apply to feature ideas in the context of Product Management
Third LAB. 2,5h live event
Designing experiments to learn & confirm
  • Write precise hypotheses
  • Desing experiments to invalidate your hypotheses
  • Interpret results and make decisions
Takeaway from the session:
  • Strategyzer's Test Cards 
  • Experiments per risk type
  • Decision-options
Workshop Session. 2,5h live event
Organizing & managing experiments workshop
  • Set up an experimentation board 
  • Prioritize experiments to each other 
  • Plan experiments into sprints
Post-course support. 1 month asynchronous
Apply your learnings
  • Learn and discuss with your peer group
  • Tap to a larger community
  • Ask for feedback to the mentor


Discovering needs and desires must be validated before building solutions. We prioritize ideas without understanding their impact. To succeed, adopt a "learn and confirm" mindset through hypothesis testing. Sort ideas strategically by risk, extract assumptions, form clear hypotheses, run experiments, and make informed decisions for confident outcomes in product development.


What will you learn?

First LAB. 3h in-person.
Hottest solutions and riskiest assumptions
  • Identify the idea in your ideas collection that has the biggest impact potential and risk
  • Extract hidden assumptions behind that idea which will need to be evaluated
Takeaway from the session:
  • Learn how to identify big levers
  • Practice assumption extraction
Second LAB.  2,5h live event
Assumption Mapping
  • Map extracted assumptions to an Assumptions Map
  • Identify riskiest assumptions
Takeaway from the session:
  • Think in risks and confidence
  • Learn Assumption Mapping as a simple way of focusing on the riskiest bits of your ideas
  • Assumption Mapping is a popular method in Business Model Innovation and Business Idea Testing (see Strategyzer's work) that we'll apply to feature ideas in the context of Product Management
Third LAB. 2,5h live event
Designing experiments to learn & confirm
  • Write precise hypotheses
  • Desing experiments to invalidate your hypotheses
  • Interpret results and make decisions
Takeaway from the session:
  • Strategyzer's Test Cards 
  • Experiments per risk type
  • Decision-options
Workshop Session. 2,5h live event
Organizing & managing experiments workshop
  • Set up an experimentation board 
  • Prioritize experiments to each other 
  • Plan experiments into sprints
Post-course support. 1 month asynchronous
Apply your learnings
  • Learn and discuss with your peer group
  • Tap to a larger community
  • Ask for feedback to the mentor

Meet the Mentor 

Büşra Coşkuner
is a product management trainer, coach and educator who helps product people advance their product management craft from strategy to execution. She is known for her no-BS, hands-on approach, and her unique blend of strategic thinking and practical application to make abstract product theory tangible and applicable. She believes in decision-making based on data, insights and evidence, blended with intuition, and helps product people to foster a learning mindset. Having worked in product-led and non-product-led companies herself for more than a decade, from startups and scale-ups to corporations such as Doodle, Deutsche Telekom, home24 and more, she understands the different worlds and helps apply product thinking practices to reality.


Meet the Mentor 


Büşra Coşkuner
is a product management trainer, coach and educator who helps product people advance their product management craft from strategy to execution. She is known for her no-BS, hands-on approach, and her unique blend of strategic thinking and practical application to make abstract product theory tangible and applicable. She believes in decision-making based on data, insights and evidence, blended with intuition, and helps product people to foster a learning mindset. Having worked in product-led and non-product-led companies herself for more than a decade, from startups and scale-ups to corporations such as Doodle, Deutsche Telekom, home24 and more, she understands the different worlds and helps apply product thinking practices to reality.


Wall of Love

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I recently attended Büşra's workshop and was thoroughly impressed. It was insightful, well-moderated, and incredibly valuable. Büşra ensured everyone participated and created a safe environment for sharing ideas. The workshop was professionally prepared with clear materials and real-world examples. Büşra kept the session moving at a comfortable pace, while still allowing for questions and deeper exploration when necessary while putting the content of the impact map directly into the context of our product.

Marco Weist  
Head of Product

We were working on a monthly review and it was surprising to receive feedback that our team's communications are top-notch. Your coaching created a leap from the state I was in at the beginning of the year! 💎 It was a great and transformative experience to work with you. I believe you have a unique service of skill based coaching for individual contributors that no one else has.

Alex Terehov 
Senior Product Manager 

I felt myself turning a weakness into a strength over the course of the 8 weeks.

Max Ladbrooke
Product Manager

Wall of Love

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I recently attended Büşra's workshop and was thoroughly impressed. It was insightful, well-moderated, and incredibly valuable. Büşra ensured everyone participated and created a safe environment for sharing ideas. The workshop was professionally prepared with clear materials and real-world examples. Büşra kept the session moving at a comfortable pace, while still allowing for questions and deeper exploration when necessary while putting the content of the impact map directly into the context of our product.
Marco Weist  Head of Product

We were working on a monthly review and it was surprising to receive feedback that our team's communications are top-notch. Your coaching created a leap from the state I was in at the beginning of the year! 💎 It was a great and transformative experience to work with you. I believe you have a unique service of skill based coaching for individual contributors that no one else has.
Alex Terehov Senior Product Manager 

I felt myself turning a weakness into a strength over the course of the 8 weeks.
Max Ladbrooke Product Manager

Why join a LAB?

Tailored Experience
Join a focused cohort of 15 peers to deeply explore one topic across four structured Labs, culminating in post-course feedback to apply your learnings. Experience a tailored blend of theory, real-life case studies, and practical exercises designed to address your specific challenges and situations as a product manager.
Selected Peers
We have specifically designed a Lab for Product Managers with at least two years of previous product management experience who are eager to advance their product careers, expand their networks, and master the most essential yet challenging skills in modern product management.
Experienced Mentor
We choose mentors based on a proven track record, primarily passionate Product Leaders dedicated to building exceptional products, with at least 10+ years of experience in top companies.
Community-led Learning in hybrid mode
Develop a robust and reliable local network among peers who are at similar career stages and encountering comparable challenges within your cohort. This network will serve as a valuable resource for ongoing support, both within our online and offline communities and events.
We provide ongoing benefits such as access to a strong professional network, opportunities for mentorship and collaboration, exclusive events and resources, and a sense of belonging to a community of like-minded PMs.  This status also enhances credibility and opens doors to new opportunities throughout one's career.

Why join a LAB?

Tailored Experience
Join a focused cohort of 15 peers to deeply explore one topic across four structured Labs, culminating in post-course feedback to apply your learnings. Experience a tailored blend of theory, real-life case studies, and practical exercises designed to address your specific challenges and situations as a product manager.
Selected Peers
We have specifically designed a Lab for Product Managers with at least two years of previous product management experience who are eager to advance their product careers, expand their networks, and master the most essential yet challenging skills in modern product management.
Experienced Mentor
We choose mentors based on a proven track record, primarily passionate Product Leaders dedicated to building exceptional products, with at least 10+ years of experience in top companies.
Community-led Learning in hybrid mode
Develop a robust and reliable local network among peers who are at similar career stages and encountering comparable challenges within your cohort. This network will serve as a valuable resource for ongoing support, both within our online and offline communities and events.
We provide ongoing benefits such as access to a strong professional network, opportunities for mentorship and collaboration, exclusive events and resources, and a sense of belonging to a community of like-minded PMs.  This status also enhances credibility and opens doors to new opportunities throughout one's career.

Start your Journey,
in a Community

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We are a community for product leaders, founders, and teams. We meet IRL.

Knowledge Hub

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