Stakeholder Mgmt

We delve into the essential pillars of Stakeholder Management. From laying the groundwork basics to navigating complex conflicts with finesse, learn the keys to fostering productive relationships. Explore strategies to wield influence without traditional authority and gain insights into managing change and transformation seamlessly. Elevate your skill set and empower your projects with comprehensive techniques tailored for effective stakeholder engagement.

What will you learn?

First LAB. 3h in-person.
Manage conflicts with ease
  • What is a conflict
  • Sources of conflict
  • Anticipate potential conflicts
  • Conflict management methods
Takeaway from the session:
  • Understanding Conflict: Define what constitutes a conflict and grasp its various forms, from interpersonal to organizational tensions.
  • Identifying Sources: Explore the root causes of conflicts, from diverging interests and communication breakdowns to resource scarcity and differing values.
  • Proactive Conflict Anticipation: Learn to anticipate potential conflicts by identifying triggers and early warning signs, enabling proactive intervention before issues escalate.
  • Conflict Management Toolbox: Equip yourself with a diverse array of conflict management methods, including negotiation, mediation, and collaboration techniques tailored to various conflict scenarios.
Second LAB.  2,5h live event
Influence without authority
  • Methods of influencing
  • How to build up credibility
  • Building and using your internal network
  • Emotional Intelligence
Takeaway from the session:
  • Diverse Influencing Methods: Participants will gain a deep understanding of various methods of influencing. They'll learn when and how to apply each method effectively in different situations.
  • Credibility Building Techniques: Attendees will learn practical strategies for building and enhancing their credibility, such as delivering on promises, displaying expertise, maintaining consistency, and acting with integrity.
  • Internal Network Development: Participants will understand the importance of cultivating and leveraging their internal network for influence. They'll learn how to identify key stakeholders, build meaningful relationships, and strategically utilize their network to advance their goals and initiatives within the organization.
  • Emotional Intelligence Enhancement: The workshop will provide participants with insights into the role of emotional intelligence in effective influence. They'll learn how to recognize and manage their own emotions, empathize with others, and adapt their communication style to build rapport and influence more effectively.
Third LAB. 2,5h live event
Manage Change
  • Learn about proven strategies and best practices in change management
  • Navigate organizational shifts with confidence and agility
  • Foster a culture of resilience
  • Lead change initiatives effectively
  • Gain skills to drive successful transformations from start to finish
Takeaway from the session:
  • What is Change: Gain a deeper understanding of the dynamics of change and transformation within organizations.
  • Strategic Approaches: Learn proven strategies and best practices for managing change initiatives effectively.
  • Agility and Adaptability: Develop skills to navigate organizational shifts with confidence and agility, fostering resilience among team members.
  • Practical Tools: Receive practical tools and resources to support change management efforts within your organization.
Workshop Session. 2,5h live event
Theory Meets Practice
  • Ask-Me-Anything Session: Got burning questions about any Stakeholder Management topic? Seize the opportunity to ask me anything. No topic is off-limits as you gain personalized insights and advice tailored to your specific challenges.
  • Case Study Work: Bridge the gap between theory and application as you immerse yourself in real-world case studies.
  • Apply theoretical concepts to practical scenarios, honing your problem-solving skills and gaining invaluable hands-on experience in managing change effectively.
Post-course support. 1 month asynchronous
Apply your learnings
  • Learn and discuss with your peer group
  • Tap to a larger community
  • Ask for feedback to the mentor

Stakeholder Management

We delve into the essential pillars of Stakeholder Management. From laying the groundwork basics to navigating complex conflicts with finesse, learn the keys to fostering productive relationships. Explore strategies to wield influence without traditional authority and gain insights into managing change and transformation seamlessly. Elevate your skill set and empower your projects with comprehensive techniques tailored for effective stakeholder engagement.


What will you learn?

First LAB. 3h in-person.
Manage conflicts with ease
  • What is a conflict
  • Sources of conflict
  • Anticipate potential conflicts
  • Conflict management methods
Takeaway from the session:
  • Understanding Conflict: Define what constitutes a conflict and grasp its various forms, from interpersonal to organizational tensions.
  • Identifying Sources: Explore the root causes of conflicts, from diverging interests and communication breakdowns to resource scarcity and differing values.
  • Proactive Conflict Anticipation: Learn to anticipate potential conflicts by identifying triggers and early warning signs, enabling proactive intervention before issues escalate.
  • Conflict Management Toolbox: Equip yourself with a diverse array of conflict management methods, including negotiation, mediation, and collaboration techniques tailored to various conflict scenarios.
Second LAB.  2,5h live event
Influence without authority
  • Methods of influencing
  • How to build up credibility
  • Building and using your internal network
  • Emotional Intelligence
Takeaway from the session:
  • Diverse Influencing Methods: Participants will gain a deep understanding of various methods of influencing. They'll learn when and how to apply each method effectively in different situations.
  • Credibility Building Techniques: Attendees will learn practical strategies for building and enhancing their credibility, such as delivering on promises, displaying expertise, maintaining consistency, and acting with integrity.
  • Internal Network Development: Participants will understand the importance of cultivating and leveraging their internal network for influence. They'll learn how to identify key stakeholders, build meaningful relationships, and strategically utilize their network to advance their goals and initiatives within the organization.
  • Emotional Intelligence Enhancement: The workshop will provide participants with insights into the role of emotional intelligence in effective influence. They'll learn how to recognize and manage their own emotions, empathize with others, and adapt their communication style to build rapport and influence more effectively.
Third LAB. 2,5h live event
Manage Change
  • Learn about proven strategies and best practices in change management
  • Navigate organizational shifts with confidence and agility
  • Foster a culture of resilience
  • Lead change initiatives effectively
  • Gain skills to drive successful transformations from start to finish
Takeaway from the session:
  • What is Change: Gain a deeper understanding of the dynamics of change and transformation within organizations.
  • Strategic Approaches: Learn proven strategies and best practices for managing change initiatives effectively.
  • Agility and Adaptability: Develop skills to navigate organizational shifts with confidence and agility, fostering resilience among team members.
  • Practical Tools: Receive practical tools and resources to support change management efforts within your organization.
Workshop Session. 2,5h live event
Theory Meets Practice
  • Ask-Me-Anything Session: Got burning questions about any Stakeholder Management topic? Seize the opportunity to ask me anything. No topic is off-limits as you gain personalized insights and advice tailored to your specific challenges.
  • Case Study Work: Bridge the gap between theory and application as you immerse yourself in real-world case studies.
  • Apply theoretical concepts to practical scenarios, honing your problem-solving skills and gaining invaluable hands-on experience in managing change effectively.
Post-course support. 1 month asynchronous
Apply your learnings
  • Learn and discuss with your peer group
  • Tap to a larger community
  • Ask for feedback to the mentor

Meet the Mentor 

Birte Loeckel
is an experienced Product expert with a track record of building and managing successful international products and teams. She has a unique ability to connect extremely fast with people and create high-performing teams with a strong sense of psychological safety, motivation, and skill. She has gone through hyper growth, scaling and internationalisation multiple times, including hiring, ramping up teams, product operations, as well as delivering new products from scratch. Birte sets the standard for Product excellence in her work. With a pragmatic and efficient approach, she seamlessly blends methodology with real-world application, consistently delivering outstanding results. Her love for methodologies drives innovation, making them a dynamic force in any project they undertake.


Meet the Mentor 


Birte Loeckel
is an experienced Product expert with a track record of building and managing successful international products and teams. She has a unique ability to connect extremely fast with people and create high-performing teams with a strong sense of psychological safety, motivation, and skill. She has gone through hyper growth, scaling and internationalisation multiple times, including hiring, ramping up teams, product operations, as well as delivering new products from scratch. Birte sets the standard for Product excellence in her work. With a pragmatic and efficient approach, she seamlessly blends methodology with real-world application, consistently delivering outstanding results. Her love for methodologies drives innovation, making them a dynamic force in any project they undertake.


Wall of Love

See what the community is saying about the Mentor. Share the love!


Birte is a true sunshine, she is absolutely authentic, passionated, empathetic and even after a couple of hours of training I still felt energized, because she has such a great energy that fills the whole room.  The whole Lab was extremly valuable and insightful. It helped me to take a next career step, to find my own style and to pass on my knowledge to the whole team. What I liked most is that she really first tries to understand the needs and the circumstances, before she comes up with her knowlegde and tools. She adapted her whole training to the needs of the group, plus I had the chance to challenge and discuss my current situation.

Laura Seitz 
Managing Director

I've had the pleasure of working with Birte on refining my product management skills. Through her effective use of a skills matrix, we were able to pinpoint my strengths and areas for improvement. Her mentorship has provided me with a clear and tailored action plan. Birte's style is straightforward and accessible. She builds your confidence while driving you to grow and improve. If you're in product management and need a guiding hand, Birte's mentorship  is a game-changer!

Tetiana Boliukh 

Senior Product Manager 

I was participating in her LAB yesterday.  I found it absolutely great and refreshing. I'm not an extrovert person and I was impressed by how simple and "do-able" the exercises were. I have gained valuable takeaways from this experience.

Product Manager

Wall of Love

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Birte is a true sunshine, she is absolutely authentic, passionated, empathetic and even after a couple of hours of training I still felt energized, because she has such a great energy that fills the whole room.  The whole Lab was extremly valuable and insightful. It helped me to take a next career step, to find my own style and to pass on my knowledge to the whole team. What I liked most is that she really first tries to understand the needs and the circumstances, before she comes up with her knowlegde and tools. She adapted her whole training to the needs of the group, plus I had the chance to challenge and discuss my current situation.
Laura Seitz  Managing Director

I've had the pleasure of working with Birte on refining my product management skills. Through her effective use of a skills matrix, we were able to pinpoint my strengths and areas for improvement. Her mentorship has provided me with a clear and tailored action plan. Birte's style is straightforward and accessible. She builds your confidence while driving you to grow and improve. If you're in product management and need a guiding hand, Birte's mentorship  is a game-changer!
Tetiana Boliukh Senior Product Manager 

I was participating in her LAB yesterday.  I found it absolutely great and refreshing. I'm not an extrovert person and I was impressed by how simple and "do-able" the exercises were. I have gained valuable takeaways from this experience.
Barbara Product Manager

Why join a LAB?

Tailored Experience
Join a focused cohort of 15 peers to deeply explore one topic across four structured Labs, culminating in post-course feedback to apply your learnings. Experience a tailored blend of theory, real-life case studies, and practical exercises designed to address your specific challenges and situations as a product manager.
Selected Peers
We have specifically designed a Lab for Product Managers with at least two years of previous product management experience who are eager to advance their product careers, expand their networks, and master the most essential yet challenging skills in modern product management.
Experienced Mentor
We choose mentors based on a proven track record, primarily passionate Product Leaders dedicated to building exceptional products, with at least 10+ years of experience in top companies.
Community-led Learning in hybrid mode
Develop a robust and reliable local network among peers who are at similar career stages and encountering comparable challenges within your cohort. This network will serve as a valuable resource for ongoing support, both within our online and offline communities and events.
We provide ongoing benefits such as access to a strong professional network, opportunities for mentorship and collaboration, exclusive events and resources, and a sense of belonging to a community of like-minded PMs.  This status also enhances credibility and opens doors to new opportunities throughout one's career.

Why join a LAB?

Tailored Experience
Join a focused cohort of 15 peers to deeply explore one topic across four structured Labs, culminating in post-course feedback to apply your learnings. Experience a tailored blend of theory, real-life case studies, and practical exercises designed to address your specific challenges and situations as a product manager.
Selected Peers
We have specifically designed a Lab for Product Managers with at least two years of previous product management experience who are eager to advance their product careers, expand their networks, and master the most essential yet challenging skills in modern product management.
Experienced Mentor
We choose mentors based on a proven track record, primarily passionate Product Leaders dedicated to building exceptional products, with at least 10+ years of experience in top companies.
Community-led Learning in hybrid mode
Develop a robust and reliable local network among peers who are at similar career stages and encountering comparable challenges within your cohort. This network will serve as a valuable resource for ongoing support, both within our online and offline communities and events.
We provide ongoing benefits such as access to a strong professional network, opportunities for mentorship and collaboration, exclusive events and resources, and a sense of belonging to a community of like-minded PMs.  This status also enhances credibility and opens doors to new opportunities throughout one's career.

Start your Journey,
in a Community

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We are a community for product leaders, founders, and teams. We meet IRL.

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We are a community for product leaders, founders, and teams. We meet IRL.

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